Back off testosterone again

The last time I injected testosterone, for the time being, was December 8th. I like to keep tabs of when I go on and off it – I’m back around to off again. The first thing I noticed that was new / different happened today: my co-worker made microwave popcorn downstairs while I was upstairs, and even though she does this on occasion, I actually could smell it today. And as I sit here typing, I can smell my smelly feet, which is so weird! I forgot I’d been missing out an a whole other aspect to our world – things smell strongly, strangely, pleasantly, pungently, amazingly, and everything else amongst those adjectives. It’s pretty bizarre how much hormones affect our sense of smell!

Things I am not looking forward to, based on what has happened before:
– getting my period again
– feeling cold
– losing my happy trail
– diminished sex drive

Things I am looking forward to, also based on what’s happened before:
– less oily skin
– hair growing back
– some minor fat redistribution reversal
– I guess the sense of smell thing? Honestly, I’d forgotten all about that until I was hit with it today!

My prediction / guess is I’ll be back on it by July. Last time I was off it and then back on, I lasted from April 2019 till November 2019. So I’ve been back on for a whole year (my prediction had been 6 months). I went through most of my old, expired stockpile, until I realized why am I doing this when it could be less effective than getting new stuff, which I could easily do now through Planned Parenthood? So I called this past July and got an appointment within weeks (this was all through telemedicine, as many things are these days). I got my prescription the same day. I was on 60mL / week. I was injecting intramuscularly. My period didn’t fully go away until October – note to self: don’t mess around with expired stuff. There is not a scarcity / difficulty in getting more, as I have always feared!

Despite what I just said, I still do plan to do my next appointment with Planned Parenthood in about a month and get my prescription filled so that I have it on hand for the very moment when I want to go back on it. Once I’ve decided, I want to be able to inject that very moment, and not wait around to get more (even though, like I said, it is a quick turnaround.) I guess you could say I don’t want any middle people between me and T, once I’ve made up my mind… Just enough to get started, and then I’ll connect with Planned Parenthood again to get more…

3 Comments on “Back off testosterone again”

  1. mybookworld24 says:

    I have been on t for 3 months but I’m a trans guy


  2. mills says:

    Have any endos offered any concerns about you going on and off, like that it’s bad for your endocrine system long term? I see this concern posited in FB groups a lot but it’s unclear if it’s medically backed up! I’ve been following your blog for a long time on and off and I think your experience most closely matches what I’m interested in long term (on T for the first time the past 4 months!) Thanks!


    • janitorqueer says:

      That’s a great question! No, no one has raised any issues (endos, people working at Planned Parenthood, primary care physicians) with me along the way, over the course of 8 years. I would say that my medical care has been spotty (mostly by choice), so no one has worked with me long term. So, unfortunately I don’t have much of an answer – it could be the case that the research isn’t even out there / hasn’t been looked into yet. Hope you can find some answers somewhere though!


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