Feeling trapped in by medications

I’m on a 2 week leave from work again right now.  I was basically planning to just push through depression and just go through with obligations and routines.  That’s what I tend to do.  But I was switching medications, and I really hit a wall.  I had been on Geodon, and was switching to Latuda (both atypical antipsychotics).  The Geodon was causing some strange hormonal side effects, so for 2 weeks, I was on a half dose of that and a half dose of this new one.  That was working out OK.  Switching to a full dose of the Latuda really set things off though.  I couldn’t sleep and was starting to feel agitated.  Depression plummeted and anxiety skyrocketed.  Last night, I threw up an hour after taking the pills.

I had a therapy appointment yesterday, and going out of work again was her idea.  As soon as she said it, it sounded like a good idea.  Why didn’t I think of that?  Haha.  I have plenty of sick time; might as well use it when I actually need it.

I really do not know what I’ll do for two weeks.  (OK, I do have some ideas – I can get my car recalls taken care of, I can start thank you cards from our party last summer, I can give my friend a hair cut, I can try doing some writing, I can just take it easy.)  I feel relief.

I just feel trapped in by medications right now (side effects are weird!  I’m a small person and I feel the dosing has just been way too high!), and by my psychiatrist because it’s all his call.  I thought the Geodon could be OK if I were on less of it.  He decided we’re not going to lower it, we’re going to switch drugs instead.  Now I have to call him and tell him that’s not working out.  I really just want to be on Geodon, just less of it.  I really hope he listens.

7 Comments on “Feeling trapped in by medications”

  1. I hope he listens too!! Working closely with psychiatrists pprofessionally some of them are better at putting their egos aside then others and collaborating with clients and other practitioners then others. If he doesn’t listen, I wonder if you can find a new one?


  2. janetsbreeze says:

    I hope he listens. It’s so hard to advocate for ourselves when the person we are supposed to be partnering with, our doctor, doesn’t seem to hear us.


  3. Amy says:

    good luck with the meds! hope we can spend some time together while you’re off work.


  4. Tea With Ess says:

    Take care and do something you enjoy doing while you’re off work!

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